The Coon Lake Improvement Association (CLIA) welcomes you to Coon Lake. Coon Lake is located in northern Anoka County and is considered one of the premier metro area lakes for recreational water activities. CLIA has a long history of working with Coon Lake residents, government bodies and users of the lake to maintain, improve, and protect the recreational use on Coon Lake. CLIA membership is made up of Coon Lake residents, Coon Lake area businesses and non-resident users of Coon Lake.

News & Information
Shoreline Stewardship
Season by Season
Take a look at the shoreline stewardship season by season presentation that was given by the Anoka Conservation District at the October CLIA Membership Meeting!
Click HERE
Protect MN Lakes & Rivers With Your Amazon Purchase!
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available at smile.amazon.com. Select Fish and Waters Conservation Fund. Amazon will donate .5% of the price of your eligible purchases to Fish and Waters Conservation Fund.
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Lakeshore Stewardship Vital To Keeping Lakes Healthy
Lakes are the pride and joy of Minnesotans, but the loss of their native aquatic and near shore lake vegetation as a result of increased lakeshore development is a grave threat. Both shoreline and aquatic plants are critical in maintaining a clean and healthy lake. Their loss results in severe negative consequences. Read on.
Docks & Access in Public Waters
Spring is here! Boating and lake docks will be in and active in our lake. Please be respectful of your installation of your dock to other's property. Make sure that your dock and any watercraft don't extend over your property lines even in the lake. Sometimes its tough with some of our narrow lots on Coon Lake. Take a couple minutes and read this information provided by the Minnesota DNR. Enjoy the lake and have some FUN!