It’s a great way to meet your neighbors on the lake!
Share a meal with CLIA members at our spring and fall membership meetings.
Get to know more neighbors and lake lovers at our summer picnic, Independence Day boat parade, snacks on the lake, and other events.
Volunteer to serve on social and lake improvement committees. It’s fun!
To stay up-to-date on Coon Lake related news!
Get the latest updates on the Cattail Research Project on Coon Lake and Regional Park Planning process.
CLIA’s website serves as a repository for information about our Association and Coon Lake.
Like us on Facebook and stay current on what’s happening on the Lake.
Lake steward educational information - our biannual “Coon Lake Living” newsletter and periodic e-blasts with useful information to support water quality.
CLIA supports lake and area projects!
Installed Aqua Weed Stick at public landings.
Sponsored additional inspectors at the public boat landings.
Operates a snow groomer to create winter cross country ski and walking trails.
Helped fund the Veterans’ Memorial at Coon Lake County Park.